
Participating Congregations and Organizations
  • American Muslim Voice
  • Bahá'í Community of Palo Alto
  • Beyt Tikkun Synagogue
  • First Congregational Church (United Church of Christ) Palo Alto
  • First Evangelical Lutheran Church Palo Alto
  • First Presbyterian Church Palo Alto
  • First United Methodist Church Palo Alto
  • Mountain View Buddhist Temple
  • Palo Alto Buddhist Temple
  • Palo Alto Friends Meeting
  • St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Palo Alto
  • St. Thomas Aquinas Parish, Palo Alto (Catholic)
  • Social Action Committee of the Redwood City Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship
  • Trinity Church in Menlo Park (Episcopal)
  • Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto
  • Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Los Gatos
  • West Bay Chapter, Buddhist Peace Fellowship

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March for Nuclear Abolition and Global Survival

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Rally, March & Nonviolent Direct Action
Wed., August 9, 8am
Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab
Corner of Vasco & Patterson Pass Road, Livermore

Commemorate the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the place where new US nuclear weapons are created today. Change the future!

Program features:
Daniel Ellsberg (pictured above) - renown whistleblower, former Pentagon War Planner, disarmament advocate
Emma's Revolution (pictured below) - acclaimed singer/songwriter duo of Pat Humphries and Sandy O
Christine Hong - North Korea expert, UC Santa Cruz
Marylia Kelley - nuclear weapons watchdog, Executive Director at Tri-Valley CAREs
Barbara Rose Johnston - advisor to the Marshall Islands radiation claims tribunal, senior research fellow, Santa Cruz
Jan Kirsch, M.D., M.P.H. - medical oncologist, global warming specialist at SF Bay Area Physicians for Social Responsibility
Hibakusha speaker invited

8am Program
9:15am March - Bring large photos of people, animals or nature for which you care deeply; drummers, singers, guitarists, traditional Japanese bon dance & symbolic die-in at the Lab's West Gate followed by an optional opportunity for those who wish to peaceably risk arrest in the gates. Civil disobedience and risking arrest is not expected or required of anyone.

MVPJ is a cosponsor in memory of our dear friend and colleague the Rev. John Beverley Butcher, who faithfully participated in this nonviolent action for many years.

Click here to download a flyer with full information. 

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Diverse Ways to Offer Care & Sanctuary for These Times

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Discussion on Ways to Support Immigrants, Refugees, Muslims and Others
Thursday, July 13, 7pm
First Congregational Church
1985 Louis Road., Palo Alto

Join a discussion of ways faith communities and individuals can support immigrants, refugees, Muslims and others who are threatened. "Sanctuary" can mean many things. Rev. Deb Lee of the Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity has vast experience in helping communities and individuals discern and find concrete ways to engage.  Options such as advocacy, networking, accompaniment as well as providing physical sanctuary will be discussed. Congregations not ready or able to offer physical sanctuary can still find important ways to actively participate.  

Click here to download a flyer.

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MVPJ Statement on Supreme Court Ruling on Muslim Ban

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Multifaith Voices for Peace and Justice is gravely concerned by the recent Supreme Court decision, allowing partial reinstatement of President Trump’s Muslim ban, pending court review of the issue.  We are gratified that the Court greatly restricted the ban, by ruling that those with “bona fide relationships” with persons in the U.S. are to be admitted.  But we are deeply alarmed that, pending Court review, U.S. law now restricts entry for Muslims from the six majority-Muslim countries named in the ban.  We believe that this sets a profoundly dangerous precedent, permitting religiously based discrimination against Muslims in American immigration policy.  We share heartfelt distress with our Muslim friends and neighbors who await future court decisions in fear, and we renew our determination to object with all our might to discrimination against Muslims in our country.  If any one of us is persecuted, we all suffer as Americans, as a nation, and as a human family.  We will not stand idly by as our neighbors and friends are victimized and as our country closes its doors to people in need of refuge.

Multifaith Voices for Peace & Justice
June 29, 2017 

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CAIR on SCOTUS 'Muslim Ban' Decision

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The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, said the recent decision by the U.S. Supreme Court allowing a limited version of the Trump administration’s “Muslim ban” executive orders to take effect ignores the Islamophobic origins of the policy and emboldens Islamophobes in the Trump administration.

Click here to read the full statement.

For a court summary and more on what the ruling means, click here.


A Friends (Quaker) Called Meeting for Public Worship with a Concern for Humane Treatment of All U.S. Residents

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Wednesday, July 12, 12noon-12:45pm
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Office
200 Vineyard Court, Morgan Hill

In a time of political and economic polarization, acknowledging the underlying humanity of those who differ in opinion and behavior requires more than toleration; we seek a sense of mutual kinship that crosses such barriers. Please join us.

This will be a Quaker silent worship as a public demonstration of our moral values. Parking is available on Vinyard Blvd, 1/2 block away. (This location is signed "No parking," but police indicate it is OK for one hour.) Click here for goggle map.

Plan on standing for worship and being in the hot sum. There will be a limited number of stools available. Hats, sunscreen and water recommended.

Optional lunch afterwards at Betsy's Restuarant, 50 Tennant Station, Morgan Hill, 95037.

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Rapid Response Training to Support Immigrants in Our Community

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Wednesday, June 21, 7-9:30pm
First Congregational Church, 1985 Louis Road, Palo Alto

Help keep families together!

Learn about solidarity, accompaniment for detained families, community-led deportation defense, and how you can be involved.

Click here to register!

Sponsored by Multifaith Voices for Peace & Justice, Sacred Heart Community Service, PACT, and Pangea Legal Services.

Download full size flyer.
Download half-page flyer.

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Unity Rally

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Saturday, June 10, 11am
Stevens Creek Blvd. between Winchester and Santana Row, San Jose

Join religious and community organizations as we stand up for justice and friendship in a UNITY RALLY.  ACT for America, a grassroots anti-Muslim organization that has been listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, is coordinating dozens of anti-Muslim protests around the country this Saturday, including one in Santa Clara, CA.  Our UNITY RALLY will lift up a positive message message of inclusivity and diversity, standing in solidarity with our Muslim sisters and brothers, and speaking out for the core tenets in all faith traditions of truth, respect and love of neighbor near and far.

Please plan to arrive and leave as you are able. There will be no program. 
We will stand as witnesses for inclusivity, justice, and the beauty of human diversity in community.

A large turnout will be a strong witness for love.

Gather on Stevens Creek Blvd. between Winchester and Santana Row, in front of Crate & Barrel and The Container Store, San Jose.
(Look for the orange construction tape. That's where we belong.)

We will gather from a variety of spiritual paths and walks of life, from communities around the bay area, to celebrate the friendship and respect that we hold dear. While hate must never stand unchallenged, the intent of the UNITY RALLY is not confrontational, but to affirm the unity in the midst of diversity which is the strength of our communities.

How you can get involved:

  • Spread the word in your communities and congregations.
  • Share the event on Facebook.
  • Click here to download a flyer and distribute widely!
  • Sign the "Statement Against Hate" as an individual and/or organization by using this google form. Click here for a clean and final copy of the "Statement Against Hate." (There are some typos on the google form.)
  • Ask your congregation or organization to co-host the rally, and register that by on this google form. Co-hosting means you will be listed as an organization co-host of the vigil, to send a strong message that our region stands against hate. (To see a recent list of co-hosts (there are LOTS but they keep coming in), click "Read More.")
  • Come to the rally! See suggestions below to visually demonstrate our unity.

Pictures and Social Media: Please take and share lots of pictures. We will be using the #CounterACTHate hashtag on social media.

- Bring flowers to give away
- Wear flowers
- Bring American flags
- Make LARGE white signs with bold black letters
- Signs should be positive and show what we believe IN

Please carpool if possible.

Religious leaders are encouraged to wear their clerical attire.

Please join Multifaith Voices for Peace & Justice, the Council of American Islamic-Relations (CAIR-SFBA) and more than 120 other religious and community organizations this Saturday as we celebrate our UNITY! 

For more up to date information, visit the event Facebook page.

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Action Alert: Federal Budget Decisions Need to Support People Not War

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Congress needs to finalize our federal budget in the next few days. Urge your representative to say NO to increase Pentagon spending and YES to prioritizing programs that address human needs, support the vulnerable in our country and globally, and promote diplomacy and international cooperation.

CALL OR EMAIL YOUR CONGRESSPERSON! Click here for contact information.

For more background click below:

NETWORK (Advocates for Justice Inspired by Catholic Sisters) has an email link to urge Congress to work for a moral budget.

Friends Committee on National Legislation offers an analysis by Director Diane Randall: Too much on war. Not enough on peace.

Oxfam America explains that we need to call our Representatives to advocate for programs that save lives globally, especially when four famines are looming and millions face starvation.

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Pray with the Earth for Peace

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Tuesday, April 25, 7:45-8:30pm
Trinity Church Chapel, 330 Ravenswood, Menlo Park

In candlelight, with Celtic harp and chant, ritual, reflections and readings from different faith traditions, this Celtic "recharge" is for people who follow different spiritual paths, those who are wondering and those who are wandering,  to come together for the strength to persist and work for peace!

In these troubled, troubling times,  we know we must be about loving our neighbor, welcoming the stranger, and walking humbly. 

But we need quiet time for renewal, for listening for the heartbeat of the One whom we call by many names. Please join us. It's free. 

Think of it as bath time for our souls.

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Syria Tragedies: Pray & Act for Peace

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The tragic war in Syria -- which has brought death and suffering to the Syrian people for six years -- reached a new heartbreaking low this week with the horrifying chemical weapons attack against a defenseless civilian population in Idlib Province, and the response of our government with unauthorized missle attacks on Syria’s Al Shayrat airfield. 

Many of our partner faith-based organizations have issued statements and calls to action in response to the ongoing war and most recent tragedies, condeming both the use of chemical weapons and the retaliatory attacks by the U.S. Especially during our Jewish and Christian holy days this week, MVPJ encourages us all to pray fervently for the people of Syria and speak out boldly for actions that will bring humanitarian relief and authentic peace.

The Fellowship of Reconciliation issued a statement calling for international diplomacy and global humanitarian aid while urging us to contact our Senators and Congressional Representatives and tell them that the military attacks only increase the dangers and intensify the humanitarian catastrophe in the region. Click here to read and act!

The Friends Committee on National Legislation (Quakers) reasserts that "war is not the answer" and calls for efforts to stop the U.S. from escalating war. Click here to read their statement and respond to their action alert. They offer a conference call with experts on April 12 (click here to RSVP), and encourage face-to-face meetings with Congressmembers while they are in-district April 7-24.

The Pax Christi USA (Catholic) statement grieves the hearbreaking situation, reminding us of the truth that hate begets hate, violence begets violence.

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