
Participating Congregations and Organizations
  • American Muslim Voice
  • Bahá'í Community of Palo Alto
  • Beyt Tikkun Synagogue
  • First Congregational Church (United Church of Christ) Palo Alto
  • First Evangelical Lutheran Church Palo Alto
  • First Presbyterian Church Palo Alto
  • First United Methodist Church Palo Alto
  • Mountain View Buddhist Temple
  • Palo Alto Buddhist Temple
  • Palo Alto Friends Meeting
  • St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Palo Alto
  • St. Thomas Aquinas Parish, Palo Alto (Catholic)
  • Social Action Committee of the Redwood City Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship
  • Trinity Church in Menlo Park (Episcopal)
  • Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto
  • Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Los Gatos
  • West Bay Chapter, Buddhist Peace Fellowship

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Perspectives on Hiroshima

FAS PerspectivesTo commemorate the 67th anniversary of the atomic bombing of the city of Hiroshima, the Federation of American Scientists invited FAS members and experts to submit an opinion or reminiscence of Hiroshima and its lasting impacts for nuclear security and safety. FAS also invites you to comment on these perspectives at the bottom of the page.

MVPJ's Dick Duda contributed to the artricle now on the FAS site. Click here to read his and other perspectives.

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Faith Based Statements on Nuclear Disarmament

Two anniversaries remind us of the terrible threat that nuclear weapons still pose to all peoples -- the 67th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima on August 6 and the 50th anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis in late October. The former reminds us of the inhumanity of war, and the latter reminds us of how close we came to ending civilization and perhaps all life on earth.

People of all faiths have spoken out repeatedly on the need to rid the world of this threat. The Friends Committee on National Legislation has assembled an inspirational collection of statements from many faiths that we warmly recommend:

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Faith Based Statements on Nuclear Disarmament

From Daoism to Islam, Hinduism to Judaism, Roman Catholic to Unitarian Universalist, click here to read a hopeful array of faith based statements on nuclear disarmament.  These statements were collected by the Friends Committee on National Legislation, a Quaker lobby in the Public Interest.  The site also includes statements from many branches of the Christian tradition, including the National Association of Evangelicals, along with several ecumenical and interfaith organizations. 

For example, Roman Catholic Archbishop Renato Marino, Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations, insists, "Nuclear weapons cannot be justified and deserve condemnation."  The 1999 Parliament of the World's Religions asserted, "The threat posed to humanity and all other forms of life by the sheer destructioness of nuclear weapons presents an unacceptable risk for this and future generations.  This unacceptable risk presents a moral imperative for the elimination of nuclear weapons. 

Visit the Friends Committee on National Legislation's website to read the complete text of all of these strongs statements of faith and ethical mandates for life.

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United Methodist Church Calls for End to Occupation

The General Board of Church And Society of the United Methodist Church issued a statement on October 16th, calling for an end to the U.S. occupation of Iraq. Read more to view the entire statement.
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Vatican Message to Muslims for Ramadan - "Continuing of the Path of Dialogue"

VATICAN CITY, OCT. 14, 2005 ( Here is the message sent by Archbishop Michael Fitzgerald, president of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, to Muslims on the occasion of the month of Ramadan.
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Confluence of Holy Days Video

Steering Committee Member, John Butcher and other members of the interfaith community appear on TV, talking about October's Confluence of Holy Days.

Check out this wonderful half-hour video of members of the interfaith community, including Multifaith Voices for Peace and Justice steering committee member, the Rev. John Butcher, speaking about this month's Confluence of Holy Days. Click here to view this QuickTime video.

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Pat Robertson's Comments Appalling

In a press release sent to major news agencies today, the leadership of Multifaith Voices for Peace and Justice responded to Pat Robertson's (700 Club) call for the US government to assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.
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Statements of Peace

The statements of peace on this page were written by members of various faith communities including those that have gathered together to form Multifaith Voices for Peace and Justice. Please feel free to share these with others.

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Declaration on Mideast Peace by Arab-Jewish Dialogue Group of the South Bay in Santa Clara County, CA

A declaration of peace by members of the Arab-Jewish Dialogue Group of the South Bay in Santa Clara County, California regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
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On March 21, to mark the one year anniversary of the U.S. bombing and invasion of Iraq, and to renew our commitment to work for peace, Multifaith Voices for Peace and Justice held a “Multifaith Call for Peace” at First Methodist Church in Palo Alto.

Read a report on this service by Ed Ehmke and Leif Erickson.

[Photo courtesy of Penny Barrett]
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