
Participating Congregations and Organizations
  • American Muslim Voice
  • Bahá'í Community of Palo Alto
  • Beyt Tikkun Synagogue
  • First Congregational Church (United Church of Christ) Palo Alto
  • First Evangelical Lutheran Church Palo Alto
  • First Presbyterian Church Palo Alto
  • First United Methodist Church Palo Alto
  • Mountain View Buddhist Temple
  • Palo Alto Buddhist Temple
  • Palo Alto Friends Meeting
  • St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Palo Alto
  • St. Thomas Aquinas Parish, Palo Alto (Catholic)
  • Social Action Committee of the Redwood City Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship
  • Trinity Church in Menlo Park (Episcopal)
  • Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto
  • Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Los Gatos
  • West Bay Chapter, Buddhist Peace Fellowship

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Multifaith Peace Walk & Picnic: A Sign of Hope & Friendship!

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Imam Faheem Shauibe, Rev. Danielle Parish (Spark Church) and Rabbi Chaim Koritzinsky (Congregation Etz Chayim) led the beginning of the Multifaith Peace Walk on Sunday, Sept. 11, 2016.  The event opened with more than 750 participants singing songs of peace in Arabic, Hebrew and English with drums and guitars, readings from Jewish, Muslim and Christian scriptures, face painting for children, youth making signs saying "Peace" - "Salaam" - "Shalom," and a ritual of friendship that included Palo Alto Police Department Chief Dennis Burns with local and national faith leaders.

After a 2.5 mile walk and other brief programs on peace, the community gathered for a picnic that began with the release of peace doves in Mitchell park. The picnic, hosted by American Muslim Voice, allowed time for creating new friendship, more singing and dancing, and stories of peace making internationally as well as at home.


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Sept. 11 Multifaith Peace Walk & Picnic Flyers

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Four flyer options*:

Click here to download a PDF of the flyer that lists all the sponsors (as of August 1) of the walk. This version is on a blue background and great for sending or posting electronically.   (For a print version see below.)

Click here to download a PDF of the flyer that lists host communities (only) who will present the programs and stops along the way. This version is on a blue background and great for sending or posting electronically. (For a print version see below.)

Click here to download a PDF of the flyer that lists all the sponsors (as of August 1) of the walk. This version is on a white background and great for printing.  

Click here to download a PDF of the flyer that lists host communities (only) who will present the programs and stops along the way. This version is on a white background and great for printing. 

*Note: Flyers will be updated later in August with a link to register for the walk and new sponsors and host communities.


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Multifaith Peace Walk & Picnic

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Sunday, Sept. 11, 2016
1:30 Gathering
(Snacks, music, stroller/wagon/tricycle decorating & more)
2:00 Program and Walk begin

Gather, Opening Program & Begin Walk: Congregation Etz Chayim Synagogue and Spark Church, 4161 Alma St., Palo Alto

Stops & Programs: University AME Zion Church, 3549 MiddlefieldRd., and Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church, 3233 Cowper Street.

Concluding Program & Picnic: American Muslim Voice hosted picnic at Mitchell Park, 600 East Meadow Drive, Palo Alto, beginning at 4:30pm. Program includes release of peace doves!  Simple food provided, including plenty of vegetarian options.

Walk length: 2.5 mile

Walk Handout: Click here to download the Walk Handout with detailed route, walk guidelines and shuttle information for end of walk. 

We invite people from all walks of life, from diverse faiths or no particular faith, all colors of the rainbow, children, youth and adults, left, right, and center, to walk united in our diversity, in solidarity as one human family. We walk to show our community and our world that we say "No" to fear and division and "YES" to friendship and peace.

Click on the Register button above to let us know you are coming!
Registration is helpful for planning but not required.
You can use this registration for both the walk and/or the picnic.

Volunteer: Click here to volunteer to be a walk monitor (help keep the walkers safe).

Share on Facebook: Please visit and share our Facebook page for this event. 

Sponsoring Communities: All Saints Episcopal Church PA; American Muslim Voice; Baha'i Community of Palo Alto; Bend the Arc: A Jewish Partnership for Justice; Berkeley Masjid; Chung Tai Zen Center of Sunnyvale; Congregation Beth Am; Congregation Emek Beracha; Congregation Etz Chayim; Congregation Kol Emeth; Council on American Islamic Relations (San Francisco Bay Area Chapter); First Baptist Church PA; First Congregational Church PA; First Lutheran Church PA; First Presbyterian Church PA; First United Methodist Church PA; Grace Lutheran Church PA; Islamic Networks Group; Keddem Congregation; Multifaith Voices for Peace & Justice; Muslim American Society of Bay Area; MVPA Musalla Muslim Worship Place; Oshman Family Jewish Community Center; Palo Alto Friends Meeting (Quakers); Palo Alto Human Relations Commission; Rebuilding Alliance; Region 7, Sathya Sai International Organization USA; South Bay Islamic Association; Spark Church; St. Andrews United Methodist Church; St. Mark's Episcopal Church PA; St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Community of Palo Alto; Stanford University - Office for Religious Life; Unitarian Universalist Church PA Social Action Council; Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Los Gatos; Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Sunnyvale Social Justice Team; University AME Zion Church; University Lutheran Church.

Refreshment and water stands will be located throughout the walk.  PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN WATER BOTTLES!

There will be short programs and refreshments at faith communities along the way, and a picnic at the end sponsored by American Muslim Voice.

Shuttle Information: Shuttles from 1-1:50pm will take those who park at the Unitarian Universalist Church (505 E. Charleston) from there to Congregation Etz Chayim for start of walk.  Shuttles will also be provided at end of event, taking walkers from the picnic at Mitchell Park to Congregation Etz Chayim, running from 5-6:25pm every 15-20 minutes. These shuttles will leave from the Unitarian Universalist parking lot just behind the picnic area. (Signs and people with directions to the shuttle pick-up will be at the park.) All shuttles are free. 

Make a day of it! The Oshman Family Jewish Community Center will be hosting a Day of Service for all ages the morning of Sept. 11, 10:30am-12:30pm. Click here for details!

Click "Read More" to download our newest fliers and more details.

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"DISARM NOW" Action August 9, Nagasaki Day, 2016

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Tuesday, August 9, 8am
Livermore Nuclear Weapons Laboratory
at Vasco & Patterson Pass Roads, Livermore

On the 71st anniversary of the U.S. atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Multifaith Voices for Peace & Justice joins with the Livermore Conversion Project and other peace, justice, faith and environmental groups to encourage you to stand with Japanese Hibakusha (A-bomb survivors), Pacific Islanders and others impacted by deadly nuclear weapons to proclaim "Never Again." 

Music, speeches, drummers, art and more will be followed by a short procession to the Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab gates where those who choose will peacefully risk arrest in a nonviolent action. 

Click here to download a flyer with more information.

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Sept. 11 Multifaith Peace Walk & Picnic

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Join our Multifaith Peace Walk and Picnic on Sunday, Sept. 11 at 1:30pm. Together with sisters and brothers of many backgrounds and spiritual traditions we will say "no" to fear and "yes" to friendship by walking together to show the way to peace.  After about a 2.5 mile walk with stops and refreshments, we will conclude at Mitchell Park with a Peace Picnic. 

Click here for more information.

Salaam ~ Shalom ~ Peace ~ Shanti ~ Salaam ~ Shalom

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Revolutionary Nonviolence Event Sunday March 13

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2016 has opened with renewed worries about militarism in domestic and international forms, about police violence and racism that is more than just black and white, and about climate change and the fate of the planet. Author and educator Matt Meyer, however, co-editor of We Have Not Been Moved: Resisting Racism and Militarism in 21st Century America, is full of hope – based in part on the growing development of ideas about (and practical application of) a new, revolutionary nonviolence. Join us for an evening of conversation with Meyer about why you should be hopeful too!

Sunday, March 13, 7 p.m.
Main Hall, Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto
505 E. Charleston Rd., 94306
Freewill donation of $10-20--no one turned away
For more information, contact: Rev. Amy Zucker Morgenstern, 650-494-0541 x26 or

Hands Around the Mosque

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Love is the only force capable of uniting a divided nation.

The Hands-Around-the-Mosque event sponsored by the Islamic Society of East Bay and American Muslim Voice Foundation on Sunday, Feb. 28, was a beautiful gathering.

Click here to read the article in the San Jose Mercury News.

Drone Quilts on Display at Los Altos Library

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Wednesday, January 13, 7pm
Los Altos Library
13 S. San Antonio Rd., Los Altos

Sponsored by Peninsula Peace & Justice Center

The quilts will be on display for the next 3 months at various local venues and communities of faith.  See the article below or click here for more information.

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The Drones Quilt Project

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MVPJ has joined with several local organizations and congregations in sponsoring 3 months of local displays of The Drones Quilt Project. The purpose of this effort is to raise awareness about the immoral and tragic use of weaponized drones by the United States, which is responsible for the injury and death of hundreds of people in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Each block of each quilt bears the name of a drone victim, and was created by a different individual, humanizing the victims and showing the connection between all human beings.

In Palo Alto, quilts will be on exhibit from January-March at various times in different congregations, including First Congregational Church, Unitarian Universalist Church, and two Catholic Churches.  On Wednesday, January 13, 7pm there will be a display, reception and discussion featuring the quilts at the Los Altos Library. Click here for more information.

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