Tuesday, April 25 2017 @ 12:05 am
Views: 2,247
Congress needs to finalize our federal budget in the next few days. Urge your representative to say NO to increase Pentagon spending and YES to prioritizing programs that address human needs, support the vulnerable in our country and globally, and promote diplomacy and international cooperation.
CALL OR EMAIL YOUR CONGRESSPERSON! Click here for contact information. For more background click below: NETWORK (Advocates for Justice Inspired by Catholic Sisters) has an email link to urge Congress to work for a moral budget. Friends Committee on National Legislation offers an analysis by Director Diane Randall: Too much on war. Not enough on peace. Oxfam America explains that we need to call our Representatives to advocate for programs that save lives globally, especially when four famines are looming and millions face starvation. |
Saturday, April 22 2017 @ 04:09 pm
Views: 2,127

CELTIC RECHARGING OF OUR SOULS Tuesday, April 25, 7:45-8:30pm Trinity Church Chapel, 330 Ravenswood, Menlo Park In candlelight, with Celtic harp and chant, ritual, reflections and readings from different faith traditions, this Celtic "recharge" is for people who follow different spiritual paths, those who are wondering and those who are wandering, to come together for the strength to persist and work for peace! In these troubled, troubling times, we know we must be about loving our neighbor, welcoming the stranger, and walking humbly. But we need quiet time for renewal, for listening for the heartbeat of the One whom we call by many names. Please join us. It's free. Think of it as bath time for our souls. |
Tuesday, April 11 2017 @ 02:15 am
Views: 2,780
The tragic war in Syria -- which has brought death and suffering to the Syrian people for six years -- reached a new heartbreaking low this week with the horrifying chemical weapons attack against a defenseless civilian population in Idlib Province, and the response of our government with unauthorized missle attacks on Syria’s Al Shayrat airfield.
Many of our partner faith-based organizations have issued statements and calls to action in response to the ongoing war and most recent tragedies, condeming both the use of chemical weapons and the retaliatory attacks by the U.S. Especially during our Jewish and Christian holy days this week, MVPJ encourages us all to pray fervently for the people of Syria and speak out boldly for actions that will bring humanitarian relief and authentic peace. The Fellowship of Reconciliation issued a statement calling for international diplomacy and global humanitarian aid while urging us to contact our Senators and Congressional Representatives and tell them that the military attacks only increase the dangers and intensify the humanitarian catastrophe in the region. Click here to read and act! The Friends Committee on National Legislation (Quakers) reasserts that "war is not the answer" and calls for efforts to stop the U.S. from escalating war. Click here to read their statement and respond to their action alert. They offer a conference call with experts on April 12 (click here to RSVP), and encourage face-to-face meetings with Congressmembers while they are in-district April 7-24. The Pax Christi USA (Catholic) statement grieves the hearbreaking situation, reminding us of the truth that hate begets hate, violence begets violence. |
Sunday, April 09 2017 @ 02:39 am
Views: 3,047
Money for Education, Environment, Health & Justice: NOT WAR! Protest the huge increase in military spending! Saturday, April 15, 12Noon King Plaza at City Hall (250 Hamilton, Palo Alto)
Stand for a budget that promotes human welfare - not war! The current administration is asking for an additional $54 billion for Pentagon spending, while it advocates cutting programs that support education, fair labor practices, health care, the environment, and much, much more. |
Friday, March 17 2017 @ 10:37 pm
Views: 2,445
From the Friends Committee on National Legislation: The president’s budget will hurt people throughout our country and the world and make our communities less safe. Instead, this budget favors militaristic foreign and domestic policies that feed insecurity and fear. ... This budget prioritizes military might over safe, secure, and healthy communities and people. But the president doesn’t have the final say. Congress makes the ultimate decisions about where the federal government spends its money. Your members of Congress need to hear from you. |
Monday, March 06 2017 @ 01:58 am
Views: 3,180
This week a new Presidential Executive Order renewed the assault on refugees, especially those from Muslim-majority countries. Friends Committee on National Legislation furnishes background on the ban. For CAIR's (Council on American Islamic Relations) analysis, press conference and links to the actual text, click here. This is not who we are as Americans and contradicts the central values of our many religious traditions, all of which teach us to welcome the stranger, show compassion to those in need, and respect the dignity of all people. Please take a moment to do one or more – or all – of the following to oppose the new travel ban: · Call the White House comment line (202-456-1111 or 202-456-1414) and tell President Trump that you are profoundly opposed to this policy. Give the President a strong and clear message: “As a person of faith, I oppose the refugee ban and believe we need to be doing more – not less – to support refugees. My faith moves me to show compassion to those in need and embrace the stranger as a moral imperative. My identity as an American leads me to insist that sheltering immigrants is one of our nation's proudest traditions.” HIAS (guided by Jewish values, working for the protection of all refugees) provides some script ideas and a follow-up electronic message option. · Call or write to your Congressional Representative and Senators. Click here for contact information for our local Congresspeople and Senators. The ACLU offers an easy process for emailing your senators, but calling always carries more impact. Do both! · Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper. It is important to keep the public discourse about the injustice of this sort of action strong. We must not allow such discrimination and inhumane exclusion to become normal or acceptable. The Friends Committee on National Legislation has talking points, writing tips and contacts for local newspapers. Just click here. |
Saturday, March 04 2017 @ 03:39 am
Views: 3,942
Muslim Community Association 3003 Scott Blvd., Santa Clara, CA Sunday, March 19, 4-6:30pm
Join with people of many faiths and walks of life, neighbors from near and far, for this Hands Around the Mosque event sponsored by American Muslim Voice and the Muslim Community Association of Santa Clara. Religious and community leaders will offer brief remarks as we stand in solidarity with our Muslim sisters and brothers. Bring your whole family, friends and nieghborhood! This is a family event, and children are welcome! Tea and snacks will be provided. Faith leaders are kindly requested to wear their religious attire for the event. Please RSVP via Eventbrite by clicking here. This is very helpful for our planning, but not required. Also, please carpool if possible! Strong multifaith and community participation will make this a meaninful and powerful gathering for everyone! Please spread the word! |
Saturday, March 04 2017 @ 03:22 am
Views: 3,225
Sunday, March 19, 12noon First Presbyterian Church 1140 Cowper Street., Palo Alto
Featuring authors Stan Yogi and Laura Atkins at this event open to children, families, adults, teachers, librarians and everyone else! Fred Korematsu challenged the mass incarceration of Japanese Americans when few others did. A new children’s book, Fred Korematsu Speaks Up, explores this civil rights hero’s life and its relevance today. Join authors Laura Atkins and Stan Yogi to learn about Fred’s lifelong fight for justice. They will read excerpts from the book, talk about the larger historical context, and lead a discussion about what people can do today to speak up for justice. This event is for children, families, teachers, librarians, and anyone who wants to join. All ages welcome! Books available for sale and signing from Reach And Teach. |
Saturday, March 04 2017 @ 03:01 am
Views: 2,918
Community Shabbat Gathering for Solidarity and Friendship Oshman Family Jewish Community Center in Palo Alto Friday, April 28, 6-8:30pm
Multifaith, intergenerational and multicultural gathering with vegetarian dinner, music, children's activities and lively conversation. Meet neighbors, make friends, and learn about diverse traditions. Registration required. Adults $10; Children $5 to cover costs. Click here to purchase tickets and make reservations. |
Saturday, March 04 2017 @ 12:06 am
Views: 4,233
San Francisco's Board of Supervisors passed an ordinance prohibiting the city using any resources to create, implement, provide investigation or information for, to enforce, or otherwise assist or support any government program requiring the registration of individuals on the basis of religion, national origin, or ethnicity, or creating a database of individuals on the basis of religion, national origin, or ethnicity. What a wonderful example of what we can work for in our cities and counties! The news clip below gives a clear and strong outline of the ordinance. (Sabiha Basrai, the person being interviewed, is the daughter of MVPJ Steering Committee members, too!) |