We come together from many diverse faith communities and spiritual traditions to put our convictions into action by saying NO to war and YES to peace and justice. GATHER... ...to call upon our government to cease its focus on war, militarism and armaments, and to focus its energy and resources on peaceful resolution, diplomacy, international cooperation, and the well-being of all creation. ...to call upon our government to defend civil liberties and human rights at home and strengthen the values that our nation professes: equality, diversity, liberty, tolerance, human dignity, and justice for all. ...to insist that war is a moral, ethical and religious issue involving matters of life and death for children, youth and adults who all share our common humanity. As people of faith we are compelled in this critical time to commit our spirits, voices, hearts and actions to the cause of justice and peace on earth. ACT... - We are committed to nonviolent action for peace and justice. We will walk and talk, pray and act in the manner of love, for God is love.
- We seek to win over our opponents in truth and love, never to humiliate or defeat them. Affirming that every human being has inherent worth and is a child of God, we refuse to hate or condemn any person or group of persons, even as we oppose and condemn forces and actions of violence and injustice.
- We pray, speak and act for the well-being of all people. Members of our own armed forces and the armed forces of all nations will be respected. It is in part on their behalf and for their safety that we say NO to war.
- We will stand in solidarity with individuals or groups whose civil rights or human rights are violated. We will not be silent.
- We ground ourselves in the core teachings and practices of peace and justice in our own faith tradition. From these sources we gain strength, wisdom, courage and compassion for all.
- We come from diverse faiths; therefore, our words and actions will be diverse. Our activities may range from meditation and prayer vigils to political action, and, if discerned necessary, include acts of civil disobedience. Each of us will participate according to our own conscience. We respect, celebrate and learn from this diversity.
We base all our thoughts and prayers, words and actions on the conviction that only love will overcome hatred, only justice will lead to peace, and as people of faith we are called to build a just and peaceful world. Participating Congregations and Organizations*: *What does “participating” mean? MVPJ, as a multifaith organization, is intrinsically diverse. Coming from different faiths and spiritual traditions, we will not all agree on everything! In response to a concern about justice or peace, some will feel called to pray, some to study, some to speak, some to act. Our programs and activities have ranged from prayer gatherings to protests, from meeting with elected officials to making public statements, from studies, panels and teach-ins to visible actions of solidarity. Some members have been called to engage in peaceful civil disobedience. We encourage “participating” congregations, organizations and individuals to participate when these programs align with their own values and sense of call, understanding and respecting that not all of our programs feel appropriate for everyone. We celebrate that diversity and learn from it how to live together in peace with justice, even when we disagree. Our programs and statements are offered only on behalf of our steering committee, and do not pretend to represent consensus from the rich, beautiful array of religious and spiritual traditions who join us in the larger, sacred journey of seeking peace and justice. |