
Participating Congregations and Organizations
  • American Muslim Voice
  • Bahá'í Community of Palo Alto
  • Beyt Tikkun Synagogue
  • First Congregational Church (United Church of Christ) Palo Alto
  • First Evangelical Lutheran Church Palo Alto
  • First Presbyterian Church Palo Alto
  • First United Methodist Church Palo Alto
  • Mountain View Buddhist Temple
  • Palo Alto Buddhist Temple
  • Palo Alto Friends Meeting
  • St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Palo Alto
  • St. Thomas Aquinas Parish, Palo Alto (Catholic)
  • Social Action Committee of the Redwood City Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship
  • Trinity Church in Menlo Park (Episcopal)
  • Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto
  • Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Los Gatos
  • West Bay Chapter, Buddhist Peace Fellowship

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Protect Juristac: No Quarry on Mutsun Sacred Grounds

Over 5,000 comment letters were submitted to Santa Clara County challenging Juristac mining plans! This is likely the most public comments ever received by the County regarding a proposed development project.

MVPJ is partnering with SURJ (Showing Up for Racial Justice) @ Sacred Heart to work for racial and environmental justice around this issue. While we will host a TEACH IN about this campaign later (watch for details), you don't have to wait to learn more and act!

LEARN NOW how you can stand with the Amah Mutsun Tribal Band to say NO to sand and gravel mining on these sacred grounds. Click here for more information on the Project Juristac website.

ACT NOW by adding your name to this Petition to Protect Amah Mutsun Sacred Grounds from Proposed Quarry. Then ask others to do the same! Help them reach their goal of 30,000 signatures.

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Peaceful Presence: Sept. 11 Multifaith Peace Prayers & Picnic

Wednesday, September 11, 2019
King Plaza, 250 Hamilton, Palo Alto
6pm - Picnic
6:45 - Peaceful Presence Multifaith Prayers Program

Join us to mark this day for peace, justice and friendship!

Multifaith Voices for Peace & Justice is partnering with American Muslim Voice to host our annual 9/11 gathering. For September, our Peaceful Presence will include a free picnic followed by multifaith prayers, songs and readings for peace and justice.

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About Us Temporary


We come together from many diverse faith communities and spiritual traditions to put our convictions into action by saying NO to war and YES to peace and justice.

GATHER... call upon our government to cease its focus on war, militarism and armaments, and to focus its energy and resources on peaceful resolution, diplomacy, international cooperation, and the well-being of all creation. call upon our government to defend civil liberties and human rights at home and strengthen the values that our nation professes: equality, diversity, liberty, tolerance, human dignity, and justice for all. insist that war is a moral, ethical and religious issue involving matters of life and death for children, youth and adults who all share our common humanity.

As people of faith we are compelled in this critical time to commit our spirits, voices, hearts and actions to the cause of justice and peace on earth.


  • We are committed to nonviolent action for peace and justice. We will walk and talk, pray and act in the manner of love, for God is love.
  • We seek to win over our opponents in truth and love, never to humiliate or defeat them. Affirming that every human being has inherent worth and is a child of God, we refuse to hate or condemn any person or group of persons, even as we oppose and condemn forces and actions of violence and injustice.
  • We pray, speak and act for the well-being of all people. Members of our own armed forces and the armed forces of all nations will be respected. It is in part on their behalf and for their safety that we say NO to war.
  • We will stand in solidarity with individuals or groups whose civil rights or human rights are violated. We will not be silent.
  • We ground ourselves in the core teachings and practices of peace and justice in our own faith tradition. From these sources we gain strength, wisdom, courage and compassion for all.
  • We come from diverse faiths; therefore, our words and actions will be diverse. Our activities may range from meditation and prayer vigils to political action, and, if discerned necessary, include acts of civil disobedience. Each of us will participate according to our own conscience. We respect, celebrate and learn from this diversity.

We base all our thoughts and prayers, words and actions on the conviction that only love will overcome hatred, only justice will lead to peace, and as people of faith we are called to build a just and peaceful world.

Participating Congregations and Organizations*:

*What does “participating” mean? MVPJ, as a multifaith organization, is intrinsically diverse. Coming from different faiths and spiritual traditions, we will not all agree on everything! In response to a concern about justice or peace, some will feel called to pray, some to study, some to speak, some to act. Our programs and activities have ranged from prayer gatherings to protests, from meeting with elected officials to making public statements, from studies, panels and teach-ins to visible actions of solidarity. Some members have been called to engage in peaceful civil disobedience. We encourage “participating” congregations, organizations and individuals to participate when these programs align with their own values and sense of call, understanding and respecting that not all of our programs feel appropriate for everyone. We celebrate that diversity and learn from it how to live together in peace with justice, even when we disagree.  Our programs and statements are offered only on behalf of our steering committee, and do not pretend to represent consensus from the rich, beautiful array of religious and spiritual traditions who join us in the larger, sacred journey of seeking peace and justice.

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Stand with Us: Statewide Call to Action

Wednesday, March 15, 10am-4pm
State Capitol in Sacramento

Soon the California Legislature will vote on critical measures to protect our families. We need to urge them to stand strong!

We have an opportunity to pass SB54: the California Values Act and SR31: the Religious freedom Act -- but we need to demonstrate the power and will of the people!

Let our legislators and the whole world know that we will not be divided!

"We must fight for your life as though it were our own -- which it is..." - James Baldwin, 1970



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Suggested Scripts and Resources for Calls to Congress

It is always best to speak from your heart and if you have one, share a personal story about why you are concerned about the issue.

Here is a suggested script, but use your own words:

"My name is __________ and I am a constiuent from ____________ (city, state)." 

"I am calling as a person of faith to urge Senator/Representative  ___________ to oppose ________. "

"This [executive order/action] not only betrays American values, but is also contrary to the values I hold important as a ____________."[Identify your faith tradition, and briefly explain how it leads you to your concern.]

[If you have a story, share it here. For example, sharewhy discrimination on the basis of faith or country is wrong to you, or why it is important to you to welcome refugees. Obviously this story should directly address the action you are calling about.]

"What is Senator/Representative _________ position?" 

If the Senator/Congressperson is already opposed, express your appreciate and support. You might ask if s/he had made a public statement and where you can find that. If the Senator/Representative has not taken a position, urge her/him to do so, and to publicly denounce the order/action and say why. If the Senator/Representative supports the order/action, urge her/him to reconsider. Be respectful but passionate!

"Thank you for your time and please thank the Senator/Congressperson for considering my views."

If you are on social media, you can tweet/facebook post the fact you just made a call to encourage others to join you!

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