
Participating Congregations and Organizations
  • American Muslim Voice
  • Bahá'í Community of Palo Alto
  • Beyt Tikkun Synagogue
  • First Congregational Church (United Church of Christ) Palo Alto
  • First Evangelical Lutheran Church Palo Alto
  • First Presbyterian Church Palo Alto
  • First United Methodist Church Palo Alto
  • Mountain View Buddhist Temple
  • Palo Alto Buddhist Temple
  • Palo Alto Friends Meeting
  • St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Palo Alto
  • St. Thomas Aquinas Parish, Palo Alto (Catholic)
  • Social Action Committee of the Redwood City Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship
  • Trinity Church in Menlo Park (Episcopal)
  • Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto
  • Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Los Gatos
  • West Bay Chapter, Buddhist Peace Fellowship

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Land of the Free-? Home of the Brave-Yep!

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One of the biggest risks of nonviolent protest is that those whom you are protesting might respond with violence. Ask Mohandas Gandhi and those who struggled for India's independence. Ask Martin Luther King, Jr., and other African-Americans who joined in the civil rights movement. Such was the case most recently in Bahrain on the morning of February 17th. Yet in 2011 in the United States of America, if you were to engage in a silent and nonviolent protest in front of a major national leader, say merely turning your back on her while she was giving a speech on, say, the importance of free speech, would you expect to be brutally beaten and jailed by her security detail? Until receiving an email message from Ray McGovern, we would have answered that question with a resounding no.
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The Human Turbine

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This award winning documentary follows the efforts of Palestinian shepherds and several Israelis that ultimately provide electricity for the tent and cave homes in the Palestinian village of Susia, in the Hebron hills.  Their ever deepening and transformative relationships form the basis for their work together.

Sunday, February 13, 7PM
Sunnyvale Presbyterian Church

728 W. Fremont Ave. (Near Hollenbeck), Sunnyvale
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Haiti Works Photography Exhibit

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Photography by
Marie Josee Mont-Reynaud & Randy Mont-Reynaud

December 2010 - January 2010

St. Marks Episcopal Church
600 Colorado Ave., Palo Alto

ON DISPLAY in the Parish Hall: Tuesdays-Fridays 12noon-4pm
VIDEO & DISCUSSION: Sunday, January 16th, 12:15pm

CLOSING RECEPTION:  Friday, January 28th, 6-8pm

Sponsored by:
If Pigs Could Fly - Helping Hillside Haiti
Multifaith Voices for Peace & Justice

Download flyers in pdf format:
Click here to download full size flyer for posting.
Click here to download half size flyer with details.

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Listen to Afghan Youth and U.S. Vets in Dialogue

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Whose Children Are These?

On November 28, December 5, 12 and 19, 2010, we listened to Afghan youth and U.S. veterans share experiences of war.  Participants were connected by conference call as Afghan youth from the Afghan Youth Peace Volunteers talked with U.S. veterans from Iraq Veterans Against the War.

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Hear Gandhi's Grandson in Palo Alto on October 23

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Rajmohan Gandhi, grandson of Mahatma Gandhi, will speak this Saturday, October 23, at 10am at Covenant Presbyterian Church, 670 East Meadow Drive (near Middlefield) in Palo Alto. 

Building Bridges for Peace is to be the theme of his presentation.  Dedicated to working for peace between cultures and religions, Dr. Gandhi is the president of the international organization Initiatives for Change. In the first half of 2010, he and his wife, Usha, led a team on a Voyage of Dialogue and Discovery, visiting 15 countries on four continents.  On September 3, 2010, he addressed the United Nations together with the ambassador to the UN from Pakistan on the urgent need for international help for flood victims in Pakistan.  Rajmohan Gandhi is a Research Professor for the Center for South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Illinois.  He is the author of several books, including Mohandas: A True Story of a Man, His People and an Empire, a biography of his grandfather.

The event is free and open to the community.

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See and Discuss the Nuclear Tipping Point

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THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 30th - You are invited to a screening of Nuclear Tipping Point followed by a discussion led by Dick Duda. The film will be shown at The Dove and Olive Works, 178 South Blvd -- San Mateo (at the south end of B Street in San Mateo between 16th and Palm). The film will be shown at 7pm with a discussion to follow. The discussion will be based on the study guide which you can download by clicking here (more information is also provided below).

There is no charge to attend this film showing and discussion. All are welcome but please RSVP so we know how many to expect. Click here to contact the event organizer (

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Building Bridges for Peace Adult Interfaith Series

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Building Bridges for Peace, in honor of the Rev. Don Mason, is an interfaith study series at Covenant Presbyterian Church in Palo Alto to which people of all faiths are invited.  It is organized by Covenant's Faithworks with support from Multifaith Voices for Peace & Justice.  Beginning Sunday, September 26, 12:30-1:30pm, the series will continue weekly through October 31, exploring peace from the perspective of Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Hinduism.  The highlight will be a presentation on Saturday, October 23 at 10am by Professor Rajmohan Gandhi, grandson of Mahatma Gandhi and colleague of Rev. Mason. All events will take place at Covenant Church, located at 670 East Meadow Drive (near Middlefield and Mitchell Park) in Palo Alto.

While open to the community and free of charge, we do ask that people expecting to attend any of the sessions register to help in planning food for a simple lunch (at 12:15pm) and reading material. Click here to let us know you will be join us. Participants are encouraged to read portions of the book No Enemy to Conquer: Forgiveness in an Unforgiving World, by Michael Henderson.  Click here to download a Reader's Guide for the series.

Rev. Don Mason was pastor at Covenant from 1975-1990 and a leader in the faith community here.  While later serving a church in Illinois, he met and worked for multifaith cooperation with Professor Gandhi. Rev. Mason died in a hiking accident in 2009. 

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Quaker Initiative to End Torture Conference

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Hear internationally known anti-torture activists Scott Horton and Fr. Roy Bourgeois on September 24-26 at the Quaker Center in Ben Lomond, CA! 

Keynote speaker Scott Horton is a human rights lawyer and author, and is one of the most tenacious reporters and investigators on issues of torture and accountability. 

Special guest Fr. Roy Bourgeois, a decorated Vietnam Veteran and former missionary to Bolivia, is the founder of the School of Americas Watch and leader in the effort to end US involvement in torture. 

Everyone is welcome, but registration is required. 

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Unity NOT Division

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Rev. Diana Gibson, one of MVPJ's leaders, and a large group of faith leaders from the Bay Area gathered yesterday for a press conference, urging unity instead of division, in light of plans for a Florida pastor to make September 11th a day to burn the Koran.

At the end of the report, you will have heard about a rally in San Jose on Friday September 10th. We encourage you to attend that event. 

Click here for details.


Interfaith Witness for Peace - September 19th

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The costs of war are too high. Together we can build a world of peace. Join us at Heritage Park and St. Thomas Aquinas Church in Palo Alto on September 19th from 3pm to 5pm. Visit the World Peace Village in Heritage Park, participate in activities for children and adults, building a world of peace. Then, at 4pm, there will be an interfaith peace service in the church with music, prayers, and speakers from Palestine/Israel, Iraq, and Afghanistan, sharing their hopes for and concrete ways we can create, a world of peace.

Click here to download a flyer in Microsoft Word format

Read more for details.

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