
Participating Congregations and Organizations
  • American Muslim Voice
  • Bahá'í Community of Palo Alto
  • Beyt Tikkun Synagogue
  • First Congregational Church (United Church of Christ) Palo Alto
  • First Evangelical Lutheran Church Palo Alto
  • First Presbyterian Church Palo Alto
  • First United Methodist Church Palo Alto
  • Mountain View Buddhist Temple
  • Palo Alto Buddhist Temple
  • Palo Alto Friends Meeting
  • St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Palo Alto
  • St. Thomas Aquinas Parish, Palo Alto (Catholic)
  • Social Action Committee of the Redwood City Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship
  • Trinity Church in Menlo Park (Episcopal)
  • Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto
  • Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Los Gatos
  • West Bay Chapter, Buddhist Peace Fellowship

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Faith Leaders Call on Sarah Palin, NRA, to Repudiate Statement Equating Waterboarding with Baptism

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The National Religious Campaign Against Torture (NRCAT) issued the following press release on April 30, 2014:

WASHINGTON – Today, religious leaders sent letters to the National Rifle Association and Sarah Palin, asking them to denounce torture and to apologize to the U.S. Muslim and Christian communities for statements made by Palin at the NRA’s Annual Meeting in Indianapolis this past weekend....  “For Christians, baptism is a profoundly holy act. It is in stark contrast to the abhorrent act of waterboarding. Equating baptism to an act of torture like waterboarding is sacrilegious – and particularly surprising coming from a person who prides herself on her Christian faith.” 

Click here to read the full press release from NRCAT.

To sign a petition from Faithful America denouncing her remarks, and "setting the record straight about baptism, torture and violence," click here.

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Where do our income tax dollars go?

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We thank the Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) for reminding us where our tax dollars go. About 40 cents of every dollar of federal income tax we pay goes to current and past wars! As we approach April 15th, it is a good time to express our concern to members of Congress.  While taxes are an important way that we contribute to the common good, tell Congress that we want our money directed to important, life-giving needs, and not to the death-dealing destruction of war.  Click here to read more from FCLN.  Consider writing a letter to the editor about this! 

Unmanned: America's Drone War Film

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The MVPJ Steering Committee watched this documentary at our April 2014 meeting.  We found it quite compelling.  It not only introduces and explains the egrecious nature of U.S. use of drones, but tells true and personal stories of people affected by them.  We highly recommend this film!


American Muslim Voice Peace Convention Sunday December 8th

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Our friends at American Muslim Voice invite you to help make this year's peace convention the best yet! Please read the message below from AMV's Samina Sundas.

Dear peace partners,

We have cherished your support for American Muslim Voice Foundation for over a decade now and we have been grateful for that. We are celebrating our 10th year of service to Muslim community and community at large. We would love for you to be a part of this peace convention as we celebrate and look ahead to strengthen our relations to build a better world for our next generations.

1: Please reserve a table.
2: Send us a message for our brochure.
3: Place an ad.
4: Help us with outreach by sending this information to all your contacts so your constituents would have a chance to hear our wonderful diverse, speakers, panelists, presenters and authors on critical issues faced by our communities.

Please do google our speakers, panelists and authors, especially Shane Claiborne.

Best regards,
Samina Sundas

Click here to download a flyer for the event.  


Malalai Joya: Afghan Woman Among Warlords

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Prospects for Afghan Women and Non-Intervention in My Country
Friday, Oct 18, 7:30pm
Friends Meeting House, 957 Colorado Ave., Palo Alto

Click here for details.

Malalai Joya spoke out publicly against domination by warlords in 2003. She was one of 68 women elected to the Afghan National Assembly in 2005. A remarkable young woman raised in refugee camps in Iran and Pakistan, she became a teacher in secret girl's schools under the Taliban.

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MVPJ Celebrates 10 Years of Faith-Based Action

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Multifaith Voices for Peace and Justice was formed in March 2003 before the United States began the war in Iraq.  Since then, we have devoted our efforts to the elimination of war, torture, injustice, and reduction of civil liberties, all guided by the core values of each of our faith traditions.  We have prayed, marched, sung, worshiped, advocated, laughed, cried, lamented, protested, served, studied and vigiled on street corners, city plazas, and in mosques, synagogues, churches, meeting houses and parks. We have met with our congress people and learned from our religious leaders. Through it all, we have built strong relationships of trust and respect. In many ways, we have become a community of sisters and brothers across faith lines. 

Click here to download a history of our efforts and activities over the past 10 years.

Now we want to take this 10-year anniversary to reflect on actions, the effect we've had on our community and the world, and to think and pray about what we are called to do next.

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A Peaceful Response to Syrian Crisis

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Multifaith Voices for Peace and Justice issued this statement on Sept. 4, 2013. We give thanks for the continued efforts to work for a nonviolent resolution to the tragic conflict in Syria, and urge you to keep the people of Syria in your prayers and support humanitarian efforts on their behalf.

"As people of faith from diverse traditions, Multifaith Voices for Peace and Justice joins with a growing number of faith organizations and people of good will around the globe in condemning chemical weapons use in Syria or anywhere, and insisting that the world community, in particular our own United States government, respond to this tragedy using diplomatic and political tools, not military intervention. We implore Congress to refuse to authorize any military action against Syria. Bombing and killing Syrians to send a message that bombing and killing Syrians is wrong makes absolutely no sense.

U.S. military interventions in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan over the last 60 years make it clear that war as a solution to world problems is NOT the answer. By denying the president the authority to use military force against Syria, the United States Congress could bring us one step closer to the end of senseless war.

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Prayers, Action & Resources for Peace in Syria

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A growing number of people and organizations of faith and good will are lifting up their voices, calling for diplomatic and nonviolent responses to the Syrian crisis, and opposing military action.  Here are a few thoughtful pieces and useful links.

Friends Committee on National Legislation - Click here for excellent articles on possible alternative responses and action

US Conference of Catholic Bishops - Click here for statements on Syrian crisis

Jim Wallis of Sojourners: "Respond, But How?" 

Peninsula Peace & Justice Center has posted several excellent articles, including "On Syria, a U.N. Vote Isn't Optional"

Rabbi Arthur Waskow's full article "Drop Gas Masks, Not Bombs"

Pope Francis' Declaration of a Day of Prayer and Fasting for Syria


Real World Peacemaker Diane Randall, National Peace Legislative Leader

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Hear the Executive Secretary of the Friends Committee on National Legislation
Sunday, July 28, 6-8pm

Unitarian Universalist Church, Fireside Room
505 E. Charleston Road., Palo Alto, 94306

Multifaith Voices for Peace & Justice is pleased to sponsor this Real World Peacemaking event featuring Diane Randall, the head of the Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL).

Founded in 1943 by the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), FCNL is a multi-issue advocacy group connecting peace, equality, simplicity and truth with the social issues of our nation.  FCNL is non-partisan and fields the largest team of registered peace lobbyists in Washington, D.C.

A potluck will begin at 6pm, with the program starting at 7pm.  Everyone is welcome.  Please bring some food to share if you can. 

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Ending U.S. Sponsored Torture Forever

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Film & Discussion
Friday, June 8, 7:30pm

Unitarian Universalist Church, Fireside Room
505 E. Charleston, Palo Alto

Produced by the National Relgious Campaign Against Torture, "Ending U.S.-Sponsored Torture Forever" is a 20-minute video that reports on the facts about torture by the U.S. government after 9/11, describes the perspectives on torture from a variety of faiths, provides comments from a torture survivor, and addresses how some recent depictions of torture in popular entertainment are misleading (at best), and make it critically important to grow a clear moral consensus against the use of torture.

Please help spread the word! Click here to download a flyer for the event. 

Discussion will follow watching the film.  Everyone is welcome.  The event is free.

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