Multifaith Voices for Peace and Justice - Event |
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December 2023
Peaceful, silent vigils every Friday for peace and justice
When: |
Friday, December 29 2023 @ 12:00 pm - - 01:00pm |
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Judy Adams
Women's International League for Peace & Freedom
Where: |
Embarcadero and El Camino
Palo Alto, CA 94025
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Silent vigils every Friday
The women and men of WILPF (Women's Intl. League for Peace & Freedom) vigil silently (in Quaker tradition), with our signs and banners speaking for us, every Friday at the Palo Alto corner of El Camino & Embarcadero, outside Town & Country shopping center, on the public sidewalk. We stand for peace and justice, and since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and since the war between Israel and Palestine-Gaza, we have stood for diplomacy, a cease fire and peace negotiations.
We wear black in mourning for the loss of lives on both sides, taking the example of the Israeli women in the first Intifada, who wore black, and stood for peace, not war...and other women in other countries who now also stand peacefully for a world without violence.
This event is sponsored by Peninsula/Palo Alto Women's Intl. League for Peace & Freedom.
(See event web page) |
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