
Participating Congregations and Organizations
  • American Muslim Voice
  • Bahá'í Community of Palo Alto
  • Beyt Tikkun Synagogue
  • First Congregational Church (United Church of Christ) Palo Alto
  • First Evangelical Lutheran Church Palo Alto
  • First Presbyterian Church Palo Alto
  • First United Methodist Church Palo Alto
  • Mountain View Buddhist Temple
  • Palo Alto Buddhist Temple
  • Palo Alto Friends Meeting
  • St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Palo Alto
  • St. Thomas Aquinas Parish, Palo Alto (Catholic)
  • Social Action Committee of the Redwood City Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship
  • Trinity Church in Menlo Park (Episcopal)
  • Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto
  • Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Los Gatos
  • West Bay Chapter, Buddhist Peace Fellowship

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Torture is a Moral Issue Conference: June 26-27 in Palo Alto

Join us in marking the 22nd Anniversary of the UN Convention Against Torture!

Torture is a Moral Issue Panel: Friday, June 26, 7:30pm
First Presbyterian Church, 1140 Cowper, Palo Alto
Ray McGovern, former CIA analyst now with Church of the Savior in Washington, D.C.;
Jean Maria Arrigo, social psychologist working to deter use of torture;
Rev. Ben Daniel, pastor and writer of faith-based social and political commentary; with
David DeCosse, Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University, moderating; and
John Crigler performing his composition, "Lament of an Army Interrogator."
PLUS SPECIAL GUEST Terrence Karney, former Army Interrogator and Trainer.

Torture is a Moral Issue Conference: Saturday, June 27, 9am-5pm
First United Methodist Church, 625 Hamilton, Palo Alto
Rev. Carol Wickersham, founder of No2Torture & on the board of the National Religious Campaign Against Torture;
Terrence Karney, former Army Interrogator and Trainer;
Janet Alexander, Stanford Law School Professor and expert in international and national security and terrorism;
Center for Survivors of Torture Speaker;
Banafsheh Akhlaghi, Amnesty International-USA Western Regional Director;
more time with Friday panelists;
plus workshops, multifaith worship & opportunities for action.

For more information about the event, click here.

Click here to download flyers for panel & conference.

Suggested donation for Friday panel $5-15; for Saturday conference $20-$40. No one turned away for lack of funds.

Register for Saturday conference by clicking here. Registration is not required by very helpful!

Torture is a Moral Issue Panel and Conference are sponsored by the Council of Churches of Santa Clara County, the National Religious Campaign Against Torture, No2Torture, the Bay Area Religious Campaign Against Torture, Peninsula Peace and Justice Center, Network for Spiritual Progressives, California Council of Churches, Calvary Presbyterian Church in San Francisco, and

Cosponsors: Multifaith Voices for Peace & Justice, Center for Survivors of Torture of Asian Americans for Community Involvement, Amnesty International Western Region, American Muslim Voice, San Jose Peace and Justice Center, Declaration of Peace-San Mateo County, Los Altos Voices for Peace, Action Council Unitarian Universalist Church of Palo Alto, Pace e Bene, St. Thomas Aquinas Human Concerns Committee, Catholic Community at Stanford, Pax Christi at Stanford, Center for Spiritual Enlightenment, Code Pink & Global Exchange.

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