URGENT ACTION: Stop Indefinite Detention without a Trial!

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The National Defense Authorization Act 2012 (NDAA), passed by the Senate and House and now on its way to the White House includes detention provisions that allow for indefinite military detention of anyone, including U.S. citizens, without charges, court review, or a trial and make it more difficult to close the prison at Guatanamo Bay.

The President needs to hear from us to have the courage to say "No!" to this alarming legislation.
CALL AND EMAIL PRESIDENT OBAMA TODAY and urge him to veto the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

EMAIL: With the help of the National Religious Campaign Against Torture, it takes less than 1 minute.  Just [http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/2162/p/dia/action/public/?action_KEY=9005; click here] to send your email now!  

Call 202-456-1111, and simply say, "I urge President Obama to veto the National Defense Authorization Act.  We must not pass legislation allowing indefinite detention and making it more difficult to close Guatanamo."

Multifaith Voices for Peace & Justice is working with the [http://muslimpeacecoalition.org/; Muslim Peace Coalition],  [http://www.bordc.org/index.php; Bill of Rights Defense Committee (BORDC)], National Religious Campaign Against Torture, Center for Victims of Torture, and American Muslim Voice to raise awareness of this issue.

To learn more about this alarming legislation, which is part of the National Defense Authorization Acto for Fiscal Year 2012, [http://www.bordc.org/index.php; click here]. 

If you have not already done so, also sign the BORDC's petition by [http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/498/p/dia/action/public/index.sjs?action_KEY=8895; clicking here].

Our colleague and friend Ray McGovern has written an article about this legislation.  [http://www.opednews.com/articles/Are-Americans-in-Line-for-by-Ray-McGovern-111203-896.html; Click here] to read McGovern's "Are Americans in line for Gitmo?"