Interfaith Conference on Drone Warfare Calls for Immediate Halt on Lethal Drone Strikes

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Held at Princeton Theological Seminary on January 23-25, 2015, the Interfaith Conference on Drone Warfare issued a statement calling on the Administration to immediately halt targeted lethal drone strikes.  The conference included more than 150 religious leaders representing many of the world religions and the Just War, Pacifist, and Just Peace traditions.

Click here to read the full and comprehensive statement, and for links to many of the speakers' presentations, all made available through the Coalition for Peace Action website.

From the statement:

The Hebrew Bible states, and the New Testament affirms, "Depart from evil and do good.  Seek peace and pursue it." (Psalm 34:15; I Peter 3:11)

The Quran teaches, "Act justly for that is what piety demands." (49:9)

The Sikh tradition teaches that all of humanity is one family...

Pope Francis has said, "War is madness" and warns that perhaps WWIII has already begun,"one fought piecemeal, with crimes, massacres and destruction."

Click here to read the full statement posted on the Coalition for Peace Action website.

The drone photos is also from the CFPA website.