Sam Provance, one of the whistle blowers of the Abu Ghraib scandal who was featured in the film "Ghosts of Abu Ghraib" is currently living in South Carolina and facing what many whistle-blowers experience - a lot of prejudice against him, making it very difficult to get a good job as well as create community. The Project on Ethics and Art in Testimony (PEAT) which was founded by Jean Maria Arrigo (who spoke at the Torture is a Moral Issue Conference in Palo Alto in June), has set up a fund for people to "accompany" Provance with financial support.
To contribute to the Sam Provance Accompaniment Fund through PEAT: Make out the check to PEAT. Write on the check that the money is for Sam Provance. Be sure to include your address. The PEAT treasurer will send you a receipt for your tax-deductible contribution. The IRS Tax ID No. of PEAT, a non-profit corporation, is 73-1669647. Send the check to:
Steve Strasen, Ph.D., Treasurer
Project on Ethics and Art in Testimony, Inc. (PEAT)
1305 S Dodson Ave
San Pedro, CA 90732-3929